Friday, February 27, 2015
O Captain!
I lay in the dark cave, hungry and cold.
Blood flowing like water.
Nose running faster than bolt.
Looking through a crack, I see a glimpse of the sky.
I close my eyes and start to doze off.
"Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black.
Cutting through the forest with a golden track."
Who's there? My voice bellowing in my head. No answer.
My bloody eyes awakened.
I look around, no one.
I look around and see an old man with a crumpled white shirt, ripped jeans
and a huge beard!
My nightmares are back where I hear the voices again, but only faster...
"Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black.
Cutting through the forest with a golden track."
I begin to see black & white boys, students, wearing black blazers singing
"Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black.
Cutting through the forest with a golden track."
Stop, Stop get these voices out of my head
The old man begins walking towards me and as he said "O Captain, My Captain"
My heart stopped but I was still breathing....
There is no way that man could be............. Walt........ Whitman!
"As long as your heart beats, the voices will never stop" he said.
He stood up but for some reason, my heart begins to skip beats,
Stood as if he was holding the Star Spangled Banner and said "O Captain, My Captain"
"Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black.
Cutting through the forest with a golden track."
I joined them: Then I saw the Congo creeping through the black.......
because now I know the meaning behind the chilling phrase.
As I repeat the phrase, the old man starts to fade away slowly, saying
"As long as your heart beats, the voices will never stop,
As long as your heart beats, the voices will never stop."
Thursday, February 26, 2015
The Color of Red.
What is Red?
Red is the blood of innocent children.
Red is the fire that beats in my heart.
Red is the sound of desperation, of beauty.
Red is the color of light.
Red is the taste of determination.
But how can something so beautiful be as stained as blood?
Red is as innocent as a Scarlet Ibis, which then meets its certain death.
Red is Fire.
Red is Blood.
Red is Hope.
Red is Peace.
Red is Power.
Red is the sign of inspiration.
Red is the color of a beautiful monster.
But how can something so beautiful be as stained as blood?
The Creators
The Creators. By Alpha Omega Diallo
Bang! Bang!, that's the sound of my creation.
From Afghanistan to Vietnam to America.
Boom! Boom!, that the sound of my fulfillment.
From china to Mesopotamia to Ancient Rome
I have lived in the hearts of men, always getting stronger.
From the big bang to the creation of the planet, I have existed.
I'm not an alien. I am not a being.
I'm the heart, the promise.
I'm the creator and the destroyer.
While your heart is beating...
somewhere In the world, I'm being created.
My hunger is the black smoke in the air.
My arrival is the sound of gun shots.
My laughter is the promise of To Protect and To serve,
a promise that's never fulfilled.
I can fly in the deepest part of the ocean and
smile inside the explosion of a supernova.
Do you want to know who I am?
I'm the one they turn to when their options are limited,
I'm the one they turn to when they are angry,
I'm the one they depend on when they failed.
Yet they mistake me for a terrorist, a fugitive.
Yet they blame me for killing others.
Yet they say I'm the bad guy.
But how????
I am the results of their creation!!
I am the results of their anger!!!!!
I am the results of their intelligence, of their curiosity.
My nemesis is a five-letter word that humanity
had not seen since the dawn of mankind. PEACE
I was...
I am...
I will be ...
"Don't forget that you created me."
Leon By Alpha Omega Diallo

I'm Alpha Omega.
I'm Alpha Beta.
I'm the Alpha male.
I'm quite, calm, but ferocious.
I'm a Leo with a roar louder than a bomb.
I tend to stay quite.
I see everything while sitting in the back.

My pride is my life.
My passion is my family.
My confidence is in my work.
I'm not Muhammad Ali.
I'm not Malcolm X.
I'm just a lonely lion with a pride greater than your ego.
I'm not the Pharaoh, I'm not the chosen one.
I'm just a lion living in a huge world with a dream bigger than Jupiter.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The Slave Who....
The Slave Who..... Alpha Omega Diallo
Blood dripping from my eyes.
Covered in blood from head to toes
but only my arrogance is exposed.
Some call me Fred, Freddy.
But my real name is Frederick.
The soul that is within me no man
can degrade.
My name is Frederick Douglass
I am the generation that
represents the frustrations
of the nations.
I am not a coward
I'm just a flower.
I am not egotistical
I'm just a political .
My name is Frederick Douglass
I'm the slave who defied his masters.
I'm the slave with a dream bigger than
this planet. The truth is simple...
If there is no struggle, there is no progress.
Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet
depreciate agitation, are men who
want crops without plowing up their ground.
They want rain without thunder and lighting.
They want rain without thunder and lighting.
They want the ocean without the
awful roar of its many waters.
Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never did and never will.
The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the
endurance of whom they oppress.
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